Dianne Croteau - The Canadian Inventor     Born in Sudbury, Dianne Croteau would eventually graduate from the Industrial Design Department of Ottawa’s Carleton University. She and Richard Brault started their own company shortly after and made ends meet in the beginning by working on industrial and graphic design projects.  Dianne Croteau earned her Masters in Design from Milan’s Domus Academy, and her bachelor degree in Industrial Design from Carleton University, Ottawa. She is a founder of Studio Innova (Toronto) with Richard Brault and remains an active partner (Studio Innova, ‘Dianne Croteau’ page, 2008, para. 1).

     In 1983 when Dianne and her partners founded Studioa Innova, probably few knew that the compnay would end up affecting so many areas of technology.  Now an award winning firm based in Toronto, Canada, Studio Innova has completed over 800 assignments in various design categories and technological sectors including: healthcare, sports medicine, emergency medical services, renewable energy, urban agriculture, environmental conservation, furniture, education and transportation.  At the core of Studio Innova’s strengths is product design and strategic planning. As the firm carries a sensitivity towards ecology and the social aspects of the day into its planning of solutions, Studio Innova values the importance of design research, and continues to bring “ecological intelligence and social considerations” into their solutions (Studio Innova, ‘story’ page, 2008, para 2).

     Many of Studio Innova’s projects are entrepreneurial and initiated in-house as they research, develop, and license finished designs. The firm has also provided design services to multinational corporations, government, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurial start-ups and community groups.  Several products made by Dianna and Studio Innova have been granted domestic or international patents.  In addition, some products have been featured internationally in design publications (journals, newspapers, television and radio). Finally, some of the awards given to Dianne and her firm include Canada Awards for Business Excellence in industrial design and innovation, Best of Show from Financial Post Design Effectiveness Awards, and Ontario Association of Architects Award of Excellence (Studio Innova, ‘story page’, 2008, para 1,3).

     Dianne Croteau’s interests and experience has taken her across a wide range of professional positions: from a principal designer, to project manager, from a design entrepreneur to part of a college faculty.  Her interests reach all stages of the design process and she is just as comfortable with the theoretical as the technical aspects of her industry.  Her experience covers many disciplines and sectors which include health-care, emergency rescue, furniture, architecture, education, community gardens, renewable energy and human powered transportation. Dianne’s projects and products have received several patents and awards, and her work has been published internationally. Dianne’s highlight to her career was developing the Actar 911, which helped to change industry standards.

                                                                Actar 911 CPR Mannequin      

  Currently, Dianne divides her time between Studio Innova projects and teaching at both The Ontario College of Art and The Institute Without Boundaries (George Brown College).  As if Dianne weren’t busy enough contributing to her own professional ventures and education, she has also held several different board positions.  The board positions have included: The Association of Chartered Industrial Designers (Ontario), The Alex Wilson Community Garden, and Evangel Hall. Croteau has also served on the jury of several design competitions to encourage and inspire current and future technologists (Studio Innova, ‘Dianne Croteau’ page, 2008, para. 2 and 3).

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